
The Technology

PARC Electrometry Measurement Diagnostic (PARCEMD) is a new technology designed to measure the skin resistance at representative points.

It allows testing (non-invasively) and assessing health information. It also allows you to test illness and lets you cure or prevent them from being worse.


  • Voltage supply = 3V (2 AAA batteries)
  • Voltage output interelectrode no more than 5V
  • Maximum short circuit current between the electrodes bolee35 mkA
  • Range of measurement of not less than 199 conventional edenits
  • The device works independently or with a computer, for these purposes, it is equipped with an internal memory interface and USB for PC connection
  • Data display happens on the screen of the device by writing data in the memory, computer memory and then reading them

Take control of your health today!

By measuring electrical resistance of the skin at the different points in the nervous system, we can accurately determine the state of organs in the body (like Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Reproductive and Urinary Organs, Spine, and Stomach. The Parc EMD compare results to empirical data collected from millions of patients to accurately determine current and past problems, as well as determine future diseases.


Career Opportunities

Be the First to Get this Ground-Breaking Technology!

Our Package is a Turnkey System. We offer training and support through videos and power point presentation as well as online training and support via webinars and using other support tools like teamviewer for immediate help. This device can also be used in Hospitals and many companies are now asking us to private label this device to suit their needs including those like franchised wellness centers and network marketing companies in the health care industry. If you are looking to increase your revenue stream this might just be the device for you or your company THE PARCEMD.


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PARCEMD At a Glance

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+1 646 470 7811

We have offices located at the Carribean, Hong Kong, North America, Philippines, Russia, and West Africa.